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An intensive learning opportunity to promote more effective, state-of-the-art communication program

The Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) is inviting application for the 27th Advances in Strategic Communication Workshop to be held from 11 to 16 March, 2023. The workshop is designed to enhance understanding, knowledge and skills in Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) for the project leads, senior and mid-level officials, and development professionals in the field of social development to explore appropriate social developmental program approaches and interventions through the innovative and effective, state-of-the-art communication programs.

The course is modeled after the "Leadership in Strategic Health Communication" workshop held annually in Baltimore, USA organized by the JHU.CCP, Baltimore, USA; and evolved based on participant feedback and by reviewing the latest findings in strategic communication.

Social developmental program areas to be covered:

Public Health issues: Adolescent Heath, Family Planning and Nutrition
Gender Norms: equality and inclusivity
Climate Change: mitigation and adaptation
Mental Health: family, friends and community support
Emergency Responses: natural and man-made disaster requires responses.

Communication topics to be covered

SBC Communication Process and Plan for systematically following basic principles
Communication Frameworks and Theories to guide the strategy
Inquire to identify gaps and need of audience centered SBCC program
Create and design culturally-relevant message and materials
Communication Approaches including advocacy, social mobilization, knowledge management and use of ICT for SBCC
SBCC Monitoring and Evaluation to measure program results
Strategic Thinking and Leadership for innovation

Participant's take-away:

Hands-on, accelerated learning on social and behavior change principles with an understanding of the different communication approaches applied in the context of designing communication program strategy for social development.

The faculty:

This course is led by a group of distinguished faculty of communication, policy and development experts; the faculties will make this course a real learning opportunity and help participants transform various communication approaches into the work field.

Course nature & location:

This is an on-site course and be held in Dhaka

Course fees:

Participants from Bangladesh - Tk. 15,000.00 (excluding VAT).The course fee includes tuition fee, in-course foods and course materials.

Application deadline:

February 25, 2023

For more information, contact:

A K Shafiqur Rahman
Adviser (Development)
E-mail: bccpadvances@bangladesh-ccp.org; srahman@bangladesh-ccp.org
Mobile: +8801714045548