Anti Violence Program
Anti Violence Program motivating the Youth to Uphold Peace in Society
Until September 2010, the Anti-Violence Program I (AVP I) successfully promoted its theme ‘Family Bonding’ especially the relationship between father and son keeping the slogan “With love, guide your child along the right path” at the forefront. AVP II Phase I followed in October 2011 by reviving the AVP I messages. And then Phase II came into being with its own set of interventions on ‘Terrorism Awareness’ and the slogan “Only we can reject terrorism and build the Bangladesh we desire”. Throughout the programs BCCP has remained as the communication partner.
As of September 2012, BCCP is required to design and develop another series of interventions for AVP II Phase III ‘Taking Action’ and disseminate anti-violence messages through a variety of media in select areas of Rajshahi division and Chittagong division. BCCP will also disseminate the previously developed AVP II Phase II ‘Terrorism Awareness’ communication materials as well as Phase III materials in select locations of Barisal, Dhaka, Khulna, Rangpur and Sylhet divisions of Bangladesh.
Outreach Events
To jog people’s memory, AVP II Phase II materials are being disseminated through outreach events conducted in 25 districts of Barisal, Khulna, Dhaka, Rangpur and Sylhet divisions. Outreach events are being organized by means of audio-visual vans both indoor - that is in schools and colleges - and outdoor or open spaces that involve the screening of the previously produced Gombhira performance and the docu-drama. Before each event the audience is invited through miking. The screenings are specially directed at the youth to inform them about the repercussions of wrong doings, what alternatives exist within the community and their role in the development of a harmonious society; and at guardians and influentials in society to inspire positive behavior towards children and their role on guiding the children towards a peaceful future.
Handbills and stickers with the ‘Terrorism Awareness’ theme were reprinted to be distributed among the audience as takeaway materials which may act as reminders and discussion starters with friends and family and even be motivational to the individual. A total of 80,000 handbills and 80,000 stickers will be distributed through the events in 100 locations of the 25 districts. A total of 24 events have been conducted in 9 districts of Dhaka, Rangpur and Sylhet divisions by December 2012.
A survey is conducted at the end of most events to indicate about the effectiveness of theprogram, internalization of the message and the opinions of the audience. UNOs, UP members, teachers, journalists and audiences appreciated the arrangement and found the enter-educate approach enjoyable. Most thought the message was timely, clear and helpful and will create positive attitude among the young generation as well as their guardians. Local influentials and the police administration provided remarkable support to organize the events. Some even proposed to do the screening on their own in all the upazilas of the respective districts. Many recommended that the events to be conducted in all schools, colleges and universities and in all the upazilas throughout the country. Respondents also intended to circulate the lessons learnt among their children, parents, friends as well as other relatives.
The outreach events are being covered by enthusiastic local newspapers that encourage such initiatives and commented that these events will have a positive impact on the youth of today.
Radio and Television Commercials
Airing of the "Terrorism Awareness" radio commercial began in December 2012 in Bangladesh Betar, Radio Today and Radio Foorti and will continue till January 2013. Phase II drama ‘Amrai Parbo’ will aired by three television channels NTV, Gazi TV and Channel 9 in the coming month.
‘Taking Action’
A renowned scriptwriter who developed the ‘Terrorism Awareness’ drama has again been appointed for developing Phase III ‘Taking Action’ storyline. A docu-drama and Gombhira performance based on the same storyline will be produced. The docu-drama will be aired on television. The theme and slogan for ‘Taking Action’ are also being conceptualized and will appear in the handbill, sticker, billboard and even in the story. Similar outreach events will be held using the audio-visual vans for the screening of the docu-drama and Gombhira performance followed by distribution of handbills and stickers and surveys. Theme-based radio and television commercials will be aired.
The success of the ongoing events is evident in the words of the audience. The various interventions are working together to bring about peace in society with the help of the youths.