Our Approach
  • People-centered - listen to our audience
  • State of the art - aim for excellence & high quality
  • Collaboration - leverage collective genius
  • Cost effectiveness - maintain quality with appropriate price
  • Acting today in the interests of tomorrow
  • Locally rooted, globally connected.
BCCP developed its Strategic Plan 2021-2025, which sets the organization’s future direction and establishes priorities and goals for BCCP over the next five years. It also defines some...

Dr Salehuddin Ahmed
the new President of BCCP Executive Board
Adviser, Interim Government
Former Governor, Bangladesh Bank

Dr. Salehuddin Ahmed, former Governor of Bangladesh Bank (central bank) and a renowned economist, has been elected as the President of the Executive Board of Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP). Currently engaged as a Full-time Professor at BRAC University, Dr. Ahmed held several important and top positions at different renowned organizations in his long and colorful career. Earlier, he was engaged as the Managing Director of Palli Karma-Sahayak Foundation. Prior to that, he held the positions of the Director General at NGO Affairs Bureau and the Director General at Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development BARD), Cumilla.
With a track record of brilliant academic results, Dr. Ahmed largely contributed to the socio-economic development of the country, starting from policy formulation to providing guidance to many organizations and institutions for implementation of those policies. Utilizing his rich experience, he provided consultancies to a number of international agencies, including ILO, UNESCO, UNCRD, UNDP, FAO, ADB, UN-ESCAP etc. and to many national agencies. Dr. Ahmed enlightened the society by disseminating his exceptional ideas and thoughts through more than hundred publications. As part of his dedicated services to the cause of social development, he maintains Membership with many reputed national and international organizations.
BCCP family, including the Members of its Executive Board, are very happy to have Dr. Ahmed as the President of the Executive Board and look forward to moving ahead with more successes in social development sector by adding more landmark achievements to the list the organization already have at its credit. With continued support from all the stakeholders, we believe, we can translate our vision – A society that enables a healthy, poverty-free, better life through Strategic Communication – into reality through our dedication and need-based actions.

Social development field works with strategic communication: BCCP experience and expertise

Citizen engagement in Public Procurement Process

Striving for transparency and better system in Bangladesh

Emergency Humanitarian Responses

Fostering community engagement for sustainable impact and striving for transparency

Promotion of solar energy

Contributing to the National Energy Efficiency

Reducing tobacco use

Stakeholder engagement to influence tobacco control policies in Bangladesh

Student Leadership Development

Empowering young people, addressing social challenges, and building a brighter future

ICT and innovation

The eToolkit and eLearning courses

Mental Health awareness

Transforming access to care for mental disorders in urban slums.

Community-based suicide surveillance in Bangladesh

Identify missing link for integrated suicidal data

SBCC capacity and system strengthening

Ministry of Health and Family Welfare to sustain SBCC Interventions

Stakeholder engagement for vulnerable and marginalized people

Quest for Transforming cities into spaces of equal opportunities

Establish and promote online platform

Develop and promote women SME entrepreneurship

Life Skills Enhancement

Orientation for students and Adolescents of the Chittagong Hill Tracts (CHT)

Empowering women on gender aspects

Capacitating women for enhancing inclusive growth

Preparing the Health Sector Stakeholders for Climate Change

Capacity Building for adaptation and mitigation

Public Health Service promotion

Promoting health services under a brand and engage community for service seeking behavior

Leadership in Strategic Communication

Annual course for capacitating professionals of the social development fields

National Road Safety Program

BCCP intervened in the national response

News & Events


Call for Proposals: Tobacco Control Policy Research Grants 2025

Since 2013, the Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) and the Bangladesh Tobacco Control Research Network (BTCRN) have been collaborating... Continue Reading

“It was a great time for me”

Md. Alimul Hoque, Care and Maintenance Officer (CMO) at Camp-10 under RRRC Office; a trainee. ... Continue Reading

BCCP Promotional Vodeo

BCCP Media Corner


BCCP Youtube Chanel

Our Flagship Brandings

Public Health Service Brands: Designed, developed and established by BCCP

BCCP has designed, developed and implemented several first-ever public health service promotional Branding strategies and established these brands for the health service deliveries in Bangladesh as being provided through government and NGO led service facilities and also entail brands for engaging special groups of people who require special attention for their health needs. After developing the logo and tagline for these brands, the associated campaign materials were developed and produced. In developing these branding strategies and associated campaigns, BCCP received technical assistance from the Johns Hopkins University-Center for communication Programs (JHU-CCP), Baltimore. Details
The Sobuj Chata (Green Umbrella) brand strategy followed by the campaign plan brought integrated MCH-FP services together with Essential Service Package (ESP) to provide through the government health service facilities. This brand was planned to establish connections between the service providers with the service recipient. It is envisioned to attain two-prong promotions with this brand that will encourage people to foster service seeking behavior and will increase service providers commitment providing quality services Details
The Reduction of Maternal mortality through Emergency Obstetric Care (EoC) has campaigned through the community and facility awareness and responsibilities about the Emergency Obstetric Care (EoC) which was branded through a logo to link people and engage communities as well as the service delivery sites with a common mark for saving lives of the pregnant women. Details
The Shurjer Hashi branding strategy followed by the plan was aimed at connecting people, community-based service outlets and static service sites to ensure continuum of the public health services emphasizing the ESP, specially tailored for the poor people. This bridging between community with the facility will reciprocally contribute to maintaining a sustained model of health behavior as a Community of Practice. Details
The Nijeke Jano (Know Yourself) brand has connected the adolescents with their parents, school teachers and the community stakeholders through the Adolescent Health (AH) Campaign that ushered new light to lead a healthy life for adolescents in the country. The brand promotion interventions include providing life skill training, awareness campaign through the ARH toolkit containing booklets, facilitation video and comic books. These interventions have been replicated by the GOB, UNICEF, UNFPA, and other INGOs marking the beginning of adolescent friendly health services. Details
The Rainbow brand stands as a symbol of quality primary health care services for the urban population in Bangladesh. Promoted through well-orchestrated campaigns, this brand links the poor people, particularly, women and children, with the service centers of the Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project. Details

Our Themes

Our Digital Interventions