Comprehensive Social and Behavior Change Communication Strategy
Being requested by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW), BCCP via its BKMI project provided technical assistance in developing Bangladesh’s first-ever Comprehensive National SBCC Strategy for HPN sector in Bangladesh. This SBCC Strategy has been developed to serve as a guiding document for the effective implementation of high-quality SBCC activities under the 2016-2021 sector plan of the MoHFW.
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National Road Safety Program Communications Strategy
Tragic deaths and injuries caused by road crashes have become public health and development concerns worldwide. The WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety 2018 pointed out that about 1.35 million people perish in road crashes every year and over 90 per cent of all deaths occur in low-and middle-income countries.
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Behavior Change Communication (BCC) Strategy for NHSDP
USAID-DFID NHSDP has developed the Behavior Change Communication (BCC) and Knowledge Management (KM) Strategy to provide guidance to its program managers and staff on strategies/interventions to improve availability of BCC materials, interventions as well as creating the demand for services at the clinic and community levels. An important component of the strategy is “knowledge management” (KM) which involves development, production, storage and management of materials and knowledge for the project.
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