OSMA: Automation of HPN SBCC Materials Approval
Digitization has touched every nook and corner of Bangladesh and the government ministries are not exception to this. Slowly but steadily, different ministries are shifting from analog to digital systems to manage information systems.
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One Person Can Make A Difference
For the past 8 years, Mohammad Rubel has worked as a family planning inspector, mentoring family welfare assistants to ensure that the people in his locality receive proper health care services.
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Moni-An Ordinary Girl Pursues an Extraordinary Dream
Monira Akter Moni, a rural girl from Osmanpur of Ghoraghat upazila in Dinajpur district in Bangladesh went to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia to attend the 3rd International Conference on Family Planning (ICFP
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Raising Awareness on Tuberculosis
BCCP is now working in neighboring areas adjacent to its own premises in Mirpur under the TB CARE II Bangladesh Project. Operating in neighboring areas gives BCCP an added edge. Benu Begum lives with
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Achieving Sustainability through Strategic Communication
Strategic communication is the purposeful use of communication tools, techniques and approaches to achieve the vision and mission of an organization or a program. Strategic communication is not ad-hoc
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