The Quest for Transforming cities into spaces of equal opportunities for everyone
With support from the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) Bangladesh, BCCP carried out an assignment from July 2022 to October 2022 in order to transform cities into spaces of equal opportunities for everyone by targeting those who are vulnerable and marginalized. The assignment was carried out in the UNCDF Project pilot city (Narail City) and another two female led cities of the project which are Natore Municipality, Natore and Tarabo Municipality, Narayanganj.
The key objective of this assignment was to localize the newly introduced City Score Card and Inclusivity Index. For this purpose, a number of activities were carried out in Narail Municipality which included - questionnaires development and its application, capacity building training, and cooperative formation and marginalized women entrepreneur’s groups formation.
As per plan, BCCP localized the city score card and inclusivity index and tested and applied those in the three cities. For economic development of the cities, BCCP provided support to create bigger market access, market linkage and value chain of the product manufactured by the marginalized women in Narail city and made a bridge between the potential sellers and buyers and developed the market through Cooperative formation and provided capacity building support for the marginalized women entrepreneurs’ groups. This will greatly help the target beneficiaries to have a scope of equal opportunities for municipal facilities for better social and municipal life.