Completed Projects

The Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative (BKMI)

The Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative (BKMI) strengthens the capacity of the Government of Bangladesh (GoB), USAID implementing partners and other stakeholders to develop strong, consistent, and effective Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) campaigns and interventions to improve the health and well-being of the people of Bangladesh.

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Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project (CRPARP)

BCCP has been conducting a comprehensive Strategic Communication Program under theĀ  CRPARP.

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Promoting Transparency & Accountability in the Public Procurement Process

BCCP has started the second phase of the Public Procurement Reform Project II that is PPRP-II (2nd Revised) being implemented by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU), Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Division (IMED), Ministry of Planning.

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Secretariat for Asia Region Health Communication Springboard

BCCP works as Secretariat for the Asia Regional Springboard, a forum that provides a dynamic virtual platform for health communication practitioners, scholars and policymakers to exchange health communication knowledge, experiences and resources.

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Identification System for Enhancing Access to Services (IDEA)

BCCP has become part of a groundbreaking endeavor towards establishing a comprehensive National Identification (NID) system using modern digital devices.

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Community Action for Child Protection from Violence (CACPV)

BCCP has been entrusted to raise individual awareness to protect violence against children through community mobilization and capacity building.

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