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Week-long Celebration Program Marking 25th Anniversary of BCCP
Starting its journey in 1996, BCCP stepped into 25th year of its operation in Bangladesh in the field of Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC). During this period, the organization could successfully accomplish many landmark achievements in the field of SBCC that contributed to earn it a well-recognized position of leading communication organization in the country and in the region. With a long list of many wonderful and remarkable achievements in these 25 years at its credit, it was thought essential to get connected with the stakeholders and share these valuable experiences in order to benefit others in national and local level communication program planning and at the same time, to creat more opportunities for BCCP to get involved in program designing and implementing in diversified areas of development.
With this end in view, a week-long celebration program was chalked out with different events from September 01 to 07, 2021. A colorful logo, a program and a brochure were developed and a theme was selected and then a formal announcement of the celebration program was made by inviting all the stakeholders, well-wishers, Executive Board Members and other national and international guests. Spontaneous participation of the stakeholders to all the events was very encouraging.
Theme of this celebration program
Connecting stakeholders to share achievements and future prospects
Program Logo
An eventful day was observed on September 01, 2021, the first day of BCCP’s 25th anniversary celebration, that began with a specially organized staff meeting where, the Executive Board Members and other guests were connected on-line. The meeting started with the introductory remarks from the Director & CEO, BCCP Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan and continued with the greetings from the Members of the BCCP Executive Board and many national and international guests including: Dr. A Majeed Khan, President, Executive Board of BCCP, Dr. Phyllis T. Piotrow, Fourder-Director of JHU-CCP; Mr. Edson E. Whitney, Senior Technical Specialist, JHU-CCP; Ms. Susan Krenn, Executive Director, JHU-CCP; Ms. Joanna E. Cohen, Bloomberg Professor and Director, Institute for Global Tobacco Control; Dr. Benjamin V. Lozare , Director, Capacity Building and Training, JHU-CCP; Mr. Jose Oying G. Rimon II, Director, Bill & Melinda Gates Institute for Population and Reproductive Health and Mr. Md. Faruque Hossain, Former Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh, currently working as Procurement Policy Consultant of the World Bank, Dhaka. Most of the guests highly appreciated BCCP’s milestone achievements and praised the organization’s efficient leadership and the dedicated contributions of the staff. Giving their feelings, BCCP Executive Board Members also expressed identical views and their candid reflection was really great and inspiring.
The new Website campaign of BCCP launched on the occasion was also a lucrative part of the entire event. At the last part of this event, an emblem on the cut-out board was opened by cutting a ribbon by the Director & CEO to formally open the week-long celebration program. The meeting acknowledged the staff who were still continuing with the organization since the birth of it and some staff expressed their nostalgic feelings by sharing their memorable experience in the journey. Before end of the opening program, everybody enjoyed a photo show which reflected different stories happened at different periods of time. A blog post by JHU-CCP highlighting BCCP’s progress was published in their official website which was read out in the opening session.
Strategic Communication needs to be the steering wheel for bringing positive change in the society : BCCP Director says in a Radio talk
“The prospect of strategic communication in Bangladesh is immense. We have adequate resources in many sectors of our country, particularly human resource which is not properly utilized. If all of us can utilize our human resource in a proper way and try to solve critically important problems, then the development of our country is inevitable. In order to witness such scenario, communication must be considered as the steering wheel, not as the spare wheel”. Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan, Director & CEO, BCCP said this while joining a special live radio program on FM 89.6 on 5th of September. 2021 on the occasion of BCCP's 25th anniversary. Assistant Director, BCCP, Mr. Abu Hasib Mostafa Jamal also attended and spoke on the occasion.
Prominent TV and Radio channel broadcast programs
A special program in Maasranga Television in their popular TV show ‘Ranga Shokal’ was aired on September 06, 2021. In the program, BCCP Director Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan reflected on his personal and professional life and about how BCCP was established back in 1996 with his effort in collaboration with others and how the organization grew over the years.
Three consecutive webinars brought strategic communication issues into discussion and connected several program stakeholders
Strategic Communication is the Key for Community Engagement
TOn the occasion of 25th year’s anniversary, BCCP organized three webinars in zoom platform. The first one was titled as “A strategic communication is the key for community engagement in the social development programs” which was held on 3rd September, 2021 starting from 3 pm. The main objective of the webinar was to highlight the great power of strategic communication to get people engaged in social development issues.
The webinar was chaired by Prof. Dr. M Shamsher Ali, Founder Vice-Chancellor, Bangladesh Open University and Southeast University. Mr. Md. Ruhul Amin Talukder, Additional Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture; Mr. Toslim Uddin Khan, Deputy Managing Director, Social Marketing Company; Md. Shahid Hossain, Advisor, MRDI and Md. Azmal Hossain, Program Analyst – Urban Health, UNFPA Bangladesh contributed as panelist. Other officials from Government, NGOs, INGOs, BASCOM Members also attended the event. Dr. Zeeant Sultana, Program Director, BCCP made the keynote presentation in this event.
Importance of National Communication Campaign Making Bangladesh Tobacco-free by 2040
The second scheduled webinar titled “Importance of a Comprehensive Social and Behavior Change Communication Campaign in Making Bangladesh Tobacco-free by 2040” was held on 6th September 2021 at 11:00 am. In this event Ms. Kazi Zebunnessa Begum, Additional Secretary (World Health Wing), Health Services Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare attended as the chief guest. Mr. Hossain Ali Khondoker, NTCC Coordinator (Additional Secretary), Health Services Division, MOHFW was present as the special guest. Professor Shah Monir Hossain, Former Director General, DGHS chaired the webinar. Dr. Shahida Haque, Senior Deputy Director (Research and Evaluation), BCCP made the Keynote Presentation in this event.while The webinar's outcomes will support the planning of a Comprehensive Social and Behavior Change Communication Campaign, which might ideally be included in the 5-year NTCP. The webinar was attended by the Government officials, representatives from NGOs and CSOs including the international organizations as audience to find out the most effective ways to make Bangladesh tobacco-free.
An Overarching Comprehensive Campaign is the Need of the Hour for Road Safety Bangladesh has one of the highest road accident casualty rates in the region and therefore, improving road safety is now a vital issue to address the welbeing for the citizen of the country. Awareness at all levels has become an inevitable intervention for ensuring the safe road use practice. Keeping this in mine, the third webinar titled “Comprehensive communication interventions for a safe road use practice is demand of time” was organized on 7th September 2021 at 3:00 pm. Professor Dr. Mohammad Hadiuzzaman, Director, ARI, BUET attended the event as the chairperson while several Government officials and members of civil society including Mr. Iqbal Habib and Mr. Ilias Kanchan and eminent journalist Mr. Khairuzzaman Kamal took part in the discussion as panelists. Mr. A. K. Shafiqur Rahman, Joint Director, BCCP presented the keynote paper in this webinar. It is expected that through this webinar, a discussion forum could be formed to talk and advocate about the socio-cultural and policy issues with regard to the road safety interventions and bring recommended issues to the notice of the policy makers.
In addition to these programs, BCCP sent greetings card and special brochure on the event to about 4500 addresses who are somehow in connection with BCCP. BCCP website kept regular posting of greetings messages along with other special features on the occasion. BCCP Facebook page also kept on posting the event news and a total of 15 posts have been given in the BCCP official facebook page and many of these were shared in individual facebook pages as well.
Feelings after Clsoing of the Program
BCCP staff gathered again in a special meeting at the end of the program to express their feelings on the celebration program. They spontaneously expressed how energized they are feeling after the program. In their view, with this program, BCCP was benefited both externally and internally. From external consideration, all the stakeholders who got connected with the program could be shared with the landmark achievements that resulted many of them to re-assert how BCCP is making a difference while implementing SBCC programs referring its potentiality to go a long way with further sussess. Internally, all the staff regained their confidence that they have to do much more and they will!
The celebration of BCCP’s 25th anniversary really created an opportunity to continue and maintain connection with the stakeholder groups and draw their attention on the achievements BCCP has already made and share its expertise and success stories. We believe that all the events accomplished on the occasion will either strengthen or establish business links for BCCP exploring opportunities for new business. As the staff are now more energized, empowered and inspired from the celebration program, BCCP looks forward to attaining its sustainability through its on-going 48 months Transformation Plan. With the energized staff at the center, we are now committed to make our vision – a healthy, poverty-free, better life – a reality!
Thanks to the President and the Members of the Executive Board of BCCP for their support and guidance in implementing the celebration program.
BCCP 25th Anniversary news/program on Media
Maasranga TV | Talk Show – Ranga Sokal
Radio Program Aired on: September 05, 2021 (Sunday) at 11.30 am through 89.6 FM and the official Facebook page of Radio Today
Click to see the Facebook Live on Radio Today
Radio Today | Talk Show
News Published in Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha: News detail of BSS
News Published in Daily Independent: News detail of Independent
The 26th Advances course marked with using digital platform and diverged online tools ran for extended level of participation and enthusiasm
Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) organized the Advances in Strategic Communication for 26th batches that held annually for the mid to senior level communication professionals. The 6-day course was held on September 11-16, 2021 which for this year have been participated by 22 officials of MoHFW including their Health, Population and Nutrition units with few educational and research institutes and NGOs held online in digital platform. Stakeholders’ participation in the opening and closing session had also conferred a different dimension in the course.
This course followed a highly participatory approach to help the participants in strengthening their ability to implement dynamic communication programs. During the course, participants share their own experiences and exchange views, get involved with interactive discussions, enjoy presentations supported by reading materials, quiz, simulation exercise, case study and reflections.
After having an informal introduction of the participants with the course organizers held on September 10, 2021; the inaugural session was held on September 10, 2021. Ms. Shahan Ara Banu, the Director General of Family Planning attended it as Chief Guest. The inaugural session was also spoke on by the Director and CEO, BCCP Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan. In his opening remarks Mr. Shahjahan expressed that this course has been designed to create a good learning opportunity both for the participants and the facilitators to consistently discuss and exercise strategic communication issues. He expected this workshop will help participants to conceptualize and bringing upon individual, family and professional level vision.
In her speech the Director General of Family Planning underscored the importance of communication and expected this workshop will enable participants to better design of the appropriate communication approaches. She also expected this workshop to enhance leadership, coordination and supervision skills to better implement communication programs. She urged upon BCCP to continue their support to DGFP enhancing field level service providers communication skills. She also thanked BCCP for their support through Ujjiban project to the DGFP for generating paperless districts.
The course went through 16 formal sessions combined with Reflection, Discussion and Synthesis (RDS) methodology while 6 sessions were exclusively dedicated to computer generated simulation work by group exercises to develop a communication project based on their understanding over the didactic sessions. The simulated project development exercises developed and presented the following projects by 4 groups:
Group-3: Named as Somridhi (সমৃদ্ধি); visioning for a Healthy Nation with Healthy Mother and Healthy Child. The goal of the project was to increase ANC services and institutional deliveries.
Group-4: Visioning towards motivating pregnant mother and families for receiving ANC and PNC services to reduce neo-natal death.
Group-2: Named as Surohkkha (সুরক্ষা); visioning to generate mass awareness and reduce dengue infection and death rate to one third by 2030.
Group-1: Named as Uttoron (উত্তরণ); visioning to healthy mother and healthy child by reducing maternal and child mortality.
In the closing session Mr. Md. Farooque Hossian, former DG, CPTU, IMED who is currently working as Procurement Policy Consultant of the World Bank attended as the Chief Guest. This session was also attended by the Director and CEO, BCCP Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan. Few of the workshop participants made their remarks in this session includes; Ms. Devi Chanda, DS, FW&ME, MoHFW; Ms. Irin Akhter, AD, IEM, DGFP;Mr. Ahsanul Kabir Chowdhury, Astt. Professor, BRAC University and Ms. Shahana Parveen, Astt. Scientist, ICDDR,B. They termed the workshop as a strong and resourceful one and well-designed for virtual medium through discussion, sharing, learning by doing and working on the project development exercises. This workshop has been beneficial for the participants in designing and implementation of the communication programs for a desired change and establishing connectivity with the people and community. They also termed the workshop facilitators as resourceful and lively who excellently engaged the participants by maintaining focus on the issue.
Dr. Zeenat, Program Director, BCCP made a synthesis and the processes that followed in the 6-day workshop through a presentation. She mentioned that following the P-Process this workshop discussed about the communication theories, frameworks including the steps with ways of communication program designing, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.
In his closing remarks Mr. Shahjahan mentioned that process and product is equally important in the communication field. He particularly emphasized on ability to learn, change, transform, communicate, manage teams, emotional intelligence and looking at the big picture – are the key issues for a communication program planner. He thanked the participants for their active participation, ideas and inputs in the workshop and also thanked the course designers and facilitators to bring this workshop out for a successful one.
In his speech Mr. Md. Farooque Hossian lauded the role of BCCP they are playing for last 25 years in the field of strategic communication in silence but in an effective way. He highly appreciated the role of BCCP in engaging community with public procurement information and policies and introducing eGP into the respective communities. He reiterated the important role of communication also for the global need and connectivity as it is necessary to connect individual, family, community and the national levels.
Capacity Assessment followed by Capacity Strengthening plan becomes a sustained system in the HPN units
As like previous years the annual Capacity Assessment Tool (CAT) exercises followed by the Capacity Strengthening (CS) Plan becomes a regular practice and become sustained in the program system of Health, Population and Nutrition units of the MoHFW. With the Ujjiban’s technical assistance they now become able to make their own assessment of their SBCC capacities to plan for necessary Capacity Development initiatives. Reflections of the CAT and CS plan have been visible in the increasingly enhanced budget allocation and better planning with management of the SBCC activities being implemented under the HPN units.
This year’s CS planning workshop was held on September 05, 2021 in the BCCP Multipurpose hall. In the inaugural part of the workshop Dr. Md. Saiful Islam, Line Director, L&HEP attended and spoke on. He highlighted the role of Ujjiban and their technical assistance in capacity and system strengthening of the HPN units. He specifically mentioned about Ujjiban’s initiative on enhancing leadership and coordination skills of the high-level GoB officials. He hoped that this CS planning workshop will also be beneficial for the attendee HPN officials in better planning and implementation of SBCC activities.
The combined CAT exercise presentations and CS planning for 2021 was attended by all three HPN units represents IEM, BHE and the NNS of DGHS and the DGFP. This day-long workshop was attended by 17 officials of these units to present their CAT exercises and worked in group by units to prepare the CS plan. Units have made their group work on CS plan in the plenary presentations for review and discussions.
Key findings on the CAT exercise by units were as below:
- Had a steady increase in both SBCC and KM capacity was possible due to increased official’s initiative in planning and implementation
- System loss for about three months in OP approval brings a challenge in program implementation.
- Have kept up and maintained the level of upward trend in SBCC and knowledge management capacity over the last 5 years
- Recommended for an extended use of social media to reach to the captive audience groups
- Continue Best Practice and Success Stories presentations to showcase in different national and international forums for scale-up and replication.
- Could have sustained the level of capacity in SBCC knowledge management
- Require further TA from the Ujjiban to organizational restructuring on SBCC activity designing, planning and implementation.
Key CS planning by units were as below:
- Planned for all-out SBCC capacity building for the central and district level officials
- Extend collaborations with relevant organizations/forums like; BCCWG and HPN Coordination Committees for comprehensive planning and implementation of L&HEP.
- Unit wise specific SBCC Strategy for the DGFP aligned with the MoHFW’s Comprehensive SBCC Strategy
- Inter-unit coordination through OP planning workshop under DGFP.
- Adopt NNS specific M & E framework aligned with Comprehensive SBCC Strategy
- Develop unit specific SBCC strategy aligned with Comprehensive SBCC Strategy.
The concluding session was attended by Mr. Amir Hossain, Line Director, IEM and Dr. Mustafizur Rahman, Line Director, NNS. Ms. Liza Talukdar, Program Management Specialist, OPHNE, USAID also spoke on this occasion and underscored the importance of CAT exercise and CS planning in SBCC program implementation and monitoring. In his concluding speech the Line Director, IEM highly appreciated the CAT exercise and the CS planning initiative which, he expected, will bring better program impact. In his concluding remarks the Line Director, NNS thanked Ujjiban for their continuous support for the HPN units and expected this workshop will further enables HPN officials for better planning of the SBCC interventions.
This workshop is envisaged to bring better program planning, implementation to be more effective and monitoring to be brought back into the program refinement process. In addition, better inter-unit coordination, avoiding duplication and bringing synergistic effect will become possible out these exercises and planning.
Average tender processing time reduced by 43 days in e-GP
An online orientation program on public procurement and e-GP was held for the journalists of Khulna Division on 29 August 2021. The orientation was organized under the Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project (DIMAPPP) being implemented by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the IME Division under the Ministry of Planning. About 30 journalists from various media attended it. They highlighted transparency and accountability in public procurement and various aspects of access to information.
CPTU Director General Mr. Mohammed Shoheler Rahman Chowdhury presided over the program. Speaking on the occasion, he said that at present 65 per cent of expenditures for public procurement in the country is now being done through e-GP. Starting from 2011, the number of invited tenders through e-GP has recently exceeded five lakh. About 90,000 tenderers have registered in e-GP. A total of 1362 procuring agencies have so far registered in e-GP.
The CPTU Director General further said that from the beginning till 2021, income from registration, renewal fees and tender document fees in e-GP involving an amount of Tk 1405 crore has been deposited to the government treasury. About 5998 branches of 49 banks are providing e-GP payment services to the tenderers. Since 2003, 37,000 persons have been trained on PPR and public procurement in various durations of training. These trainings include government officials, tenderers and journalists. Since 2011 up to June 2021, 19,500 persons have been trained on e-GP. These trainings include government officials, bank officials and tenderers. He said that media reporting is the most important means of raising public awareness. This orientation program is organized so that the journalists can easily grasp complex issues like public procurement through training.
Speaking as special guest, Mr. Md. Aziz Taher Khan, Director, CPTU, outlined steps in public procurement and different aspects of e-GP (digitizing) and discussed how journalists can use information from e-GP portal for media reporting. He also gave a presentation on Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement Project. At the same time, he said, as a result of e-GP, the average tender processing time has come down to 56 days.
Mr. Md. Shafiul Alam, Senior Communication Consultant, DIMAPPP of CPTU, mentioned various aspects of news and reporting regarding public procurement. He emphasized understanding of the subject and writing reports with correct terminology of procurement.
Khadija Bilkis, Team Leader of DIMAPPP’s BCC Component and Senior Deputy Director of BCCP, told participants about social awareness, citizen portal and citizen involvement in public procurement. CPTU Deputy Director Md. Nasimur Rahman Sharif and Principal Project Management Consultant Mosta Gausul Haq also joined the program. The workshop was moderated by Mr. Badal Krishna Haldar, Assistant Director, BCCP.
Importance of Leadership and Coordination in the HPN program fields has further been emphasized while the 3-day ToT on this topic was held
A perspicuous level of hopes and enthusiasm was expressed in the 3-day ToT on Leadership and Coordination. This cascaded model of ToT was organized for the unit officials of the Health and Family Planning Directorates to improve the Leadership and Coordination skills of the district and upazila level officials as the end beneficiary of the Health, Population and Nutrition program fields.
This 3-day ToT was held through the Zoom platform on August 17-19, 2021 was participated by 25 officials of Health and Family Planning Directorate includes; Program Manager, Deputy Director, Assistant Director, Deputy Program Manager, Assistant Chiefs represents IEM, FSD, MIS, MCH and CCSDP units of DGFP; BHE, CBHC, NCDC, NNS and School Health Program Units of DGHS. In addition, Deputy Secretaries of the MoHFW had also participated in this ToT that totaled to 25 participants attended this course.
While inaugurating this course Mr. Amir Hossain, Director, IEM emphasized the role of Leadership and Coordination in attainment of HPNSP goal and program targets. He hoped that skill development through this ToT will not only contribute to enhance the program outputs but also improve the quality part of the HPN programs. He thanked Ujjiban SBCC project for their technical assistance in developing the course curriculum and providing the training to trainers group.
The 3-day course brought a combination of Reflection, Discussion and synthesis methodology that includes presentations, open discussion, group discussion group work and group presentation that went around through 10 sessions as have been structured in the curriculum. The participants specially liked few processes as were adopted in the course that includes the experiential learning, case studies and participant’s self-scoring on their Learning Style Inventory (LSI). In addition, the pre-test, post-test, expectation of the participants out of this course, course evaluation, workplace practice of Leadership and Coordination and developing a training work plan were also regarded as good additions in the course contents.
There was a good level of and proactive participation and involvement of the participants were found visible throughout the course. Their participation was visible through questioning, answering, discussing and active involvement in the group exercise and in the group presentations. Their eager participation not only brought energy and enthusiasm in the course sessions but also encouraged the course facilitator for undertaking an energized and revitalized facilitation process bring in to the session facilitation.
In the concluding session of the ToT, Ms. Shahan Ara Banu, the Director General of Family Planning attended and spoke on about the course related issues. The session facilitator as well as the course participants also spoke on this concluding session. Dr. Zeenat Sultana, on behalf of the facilitator, told that this cascaded model of curriculum has been duly approved by the National SBCC Steering Committee which now requires to bring for the field level training. On behalf of the participants Mr. Sanaullah Nuri, Program Manager, MIS remarked about the course concept and the content as uniquely designed and become a very timely initiative. He termed the facilitation of this ToT to be an outstanding performance. Mr. Ahsanul Aziz, Deputy Secretary (Pop.1) also termed the course as very appropriate for enhancing skill and knowledge of the officials of the HPN programs. He particularly emphasized the unique combination of coordination along with the leadership has become a good concept brought in this course in a timely manner.
In her concluding remarks the Director General of Family Planning pronounced this course to connecting of improvement of the service quality with the community beneficiary. She mentioned about the effective process of this course to share participants opinion and feedback along with the discussions on the session issues. She hoped that this ToT will contribute to bring the cascaded model of curriculum to train up the field level officials. She thanked Ujjiban SBCC project for their continuous support in capacity building initiative including this Leadership and Coordination curriculum development and the ToT.
Journalists’ role vital for boosting procurement
The role of journalists in expediting quality implementation of public procurement and Annual Development program (ADP) is important because media often highlight various aspects of the subjects in their reports. Secretary, Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division, Mr. Pradip Ranjan Chakraborty, made the observation on 16 September 2021 while speaking online at IMED as the chief guest of a virtual orientation program on public procurement and electronic government procurement (e-GP) for journalists in Sylhet.
The orientation program was organized by the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) and facilitated by Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP). Kazi M Emdadul Islam, Deputy Commissioner and District Magistrate, Sylhet, was connected online to it as the special guest. Director General of CPTU and Additional Secretary Mohammed Shoheler Rahman Chowdhury chaired the orientation program.
Director of CPTU and Joint Secretary Mr. Aziz Taher Khan, made a presentation on the subject elaborating areas of public procurement and its digitization. As many as 30 journalists of various media in Sylhet Division took part in the orientation online.
The Secretary said despite the COVID pandemic ADP implementation was more than 82 per cent in the just-concluded fiscal year of 2020-2021. He said, “I would like to give credit also to the journalists as we take corrective measures on the basis of their reports published in the media and this has contributed to advancement of the projects”. He also said the IMED under the Ministry of Planning is going to have electronic project management information system (e-PMIS) where journalists will also get access up to a certain level. “Presently there are 1700 projects in the current ADP. We will be able to monitor online the project progress through e-PMIS which will have geo-tagging and geo-location. We hope to get the system ready by 2022. This initiative is also a part of Digital Bangladesh vision,” the Secretary mentioned. “We need to achieve higher growth path and reach the target to be a developed nation by 2041,” he noted.
Journalists raised a number of points about e-GP, public procurement and their implementation challenges. The DG CPTU answered to their questions.
The DG CPTU explained such matters in light with Public Procurement Act 2006 and Public Procurement Rules 2008. He said now 65 per cent of expenditures for public procurement is now done through e-GP. He said, “Citizens have the right to know about public procurement. We want to provide you correct information and clarify the issues of public procurement so that you can also provide authentic information to the people.”
The DC, Sylhet wanted to know the number of works a single contractor can have at a time. He said the second lowest evaluated tenderer is also competent. Moreover, if one person has many works at a time, he/she cannot maintain quality of all works and the incidents of sale take place which goes against the procurement law and rules.
As a strategic communication organization, BCCP evaluates each staff in 360 degree each year. But to vibrate the best practices, BCCP started to appreciate the best performer of the month from July 2020 as “BCCP Star of the Month”. We are acknowledging all of them. Below is the three BCCP Star of the Month during July to September 2021.
A.B.M. Rasheduzzaman, Research Manager (BCCP Star of the month July 2021)
Mr. A B M Rasheduzzaman is an anthropologist (MSS in Anthropology) having 14 years’ experience of conducting research in public health, governance, and public policy. He is skilled in designing qualitative research, formative research, cross-sectional survey and scientific report writing. He is a fellow of South Asia Implementation Research Fellowship in Mental Health. He is working as Research Manager in Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP). In addition to his regular responsibility to his assigned project he is always positive to contribute more to the other projects as well as to the organization. He is a good contributor to the proposal development team of BCCP.
Ms. Sonia Islam, Campaign and Marketing Specialist (BCCP Star of the month August 2021)
The smiling faced MS. Sonia Islam is a communication expert with more than seventeen years of working experience in planning, designing and implementing different communication and social mobilization campaigns for SBCC. As a Campaign and Marketing Specialist of BCCP, Ms. Islam has been actively involved with implementing and monitoring of various successful campaigns both in National & local level. She is a good contributory staff member of BCCP to focus organizational needs that goes with her expertise. She has completed MBA and BBA degrees in Marketing from North South University.
Md Mizanur Rahman, Senior Program Officer (ICT); (BCCP Star of the month September 2021)
‘Yes, possible! When would you need, please?’ The highly positive behavioral person with excellent professionalism having a dedication to his own work and organization can say like this! Mr. Md Mizanur Rahman, Senior Program Officer (ICT) the new staff member of BCCP already branded himself with the mentioned quotation. Within about three-month journeys, his distinguished contributions includes; developing the eCommerce website for Utsho (BCCP sister concern), Utsho PoS, RFP alerting software for Business Development Team and Advances in Strategic Communication Workshop website. He is very popular with BCCP staff members for his cordial support in IT troubleshooting and TA. Mr. Mizanur Rahman is a Computer Engeneer.
We had wonderful feeling celebrating BCCP’s 25th anniversary through different events during the first week of September. Connecting the stakeholders, we could successfully share BCCP’s many landmarked achievements in the field of Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) that it made over the years earning a well-recognized position of leading communication organization in the country and in the region. From the onset, we had a clear shared vision, spirited and dedicated bunch of staff, dynamic leadership, appropriate guidance from the Executive Board and needed support from the stakeholders that helped a lot in achieving the prestigious image that the organization in enjoying today. Recognizing enormous contributions, we extend our sincere thanks to the staff for their laudable performance; to the Board for its important guidance throughout the journey; and to the stakeholders for their generous support in different forms at different times as we moved on.
The week-long celebration program really created an opportunity to continue and maintain connection with the stakeholder groups and draw their attention on the achievements BCCP has already made and share its expertise and success stories. We believe that all the events accomplished on the occasion will either strengthen or establish business links for BCCP exploring opportunities for new business. As the staff are now more energized, empowered and inspired from the celebration program, BCCP looks forward to attaining its sustainability through its on-going 48 months Transformation Plan. Capitalizing the new spirit gained and orchestrating well-planned and well-coordinated moves, we are now committed to make our vision – a healthy, poverty-free, better life – a reality!