Climate Change
A relentless effort towards for creating an informed and enlightened society, BCCP will now work for planning, developing and implementation of a training program under the "Climate Informed Hospital Emergency Preparedness and Response Plan" for the health sector professional. This plan aims to ensure the continuity of essential services,
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EMCRP project visit by the CEO-BCCP
“We now feel more motivated and aligned with the organization's mission, eagerly looking forward to implementing the discussed strategies and improvements.” Fatimatuz Zuhura Akhi, Field Officer, CAS for EMCRP, LGED BCCP Ukhiya Field Office, Cox’s Bazar
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Service Providers Capacity Building for ICMH
In quest of continuous effort of Bangladesh center for Communication Programs (BCCP) to enhance capacity building of the Bangladeshi professionals working in the social development field it has provided a 4-day Training of Trainers (ToT) to the Institute for Child
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Emergency responses for Rohingya Community:
Rising awareness for responsible use of infrastructure services
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“Climate Change” became another diversified work arena of BCCP
BCCP has further broaden its working arena with developing a training module on Climate Change.
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A new horizon opened up with initiation of “Bangladesh Socio Behavioral Survey on HPN
It has become an epoch-making initiative and a new horizon have been opened up with the initiation of “Bangladesh Socio Behavioral Survey on Health, Population and Nutrition.
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BCCP and BUHS has Signed an MOU to offer a joint academic short course
Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) and the Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) is working together to offer a joint short course on “Strategic Communication in Health and Social Development”.
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Health and Family Planning programs require adapting SBCC as their mainstream program intervention
An active and widespread participation marked the 5th meeting of the National Committee on HPN SBCC Strategy Implementation and Monitoring was held on August 08, 2022 in the conference room of the MoHFW.
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