Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project Website Launched
The website of Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project (CRPARP) has been officially launched today February 29, 2016. Bangladesh Forest Department’s Chief Conservator of Forests Md. Yunus Ali inaugurated the website as the Chief Guest. The senior officials of Bangladesh Forest Department (BFD) and CRPARP project, Aranyak Foundation academics, media and BCCP officials were present in the event held at BFD office in Agargaon, Dhaka.
This website will facilitate sharing of information and news regarding the activities that are being implemented to address the adverse effects of climate change in Bangladesh. The CRPARP project aims to reduce forest degradation and increase forest coverage through participatory planning/monitoring; and to contribute in building the long-term resilience of communities in coastal and hilly areas to climate change.
BCCP has been implementing Strategic Communication Program (SCP) of this project to create awareness, engage behavioral change communication and enhance knowledge of the target audience and general stakeholders on improving participatory forest management and to reduce deforestation. The website is the part of this program.
Mr. Uttam Kumar Saha, Project Director, CRPARP, chaired the launching event while Mr. Shakil Ahmed Ferdausi, Sr. Environment Specialist of the World Bank, Bangladesh and Task Team Leader of CRPARP also spoke on the occasion. Ms. Khadija Bilkis, Sr. Deputy Director of BCCP and Team Leader of CRPARP’s SCP delivered welcome speech.
With country's population growth, dependence on the forest resources for livelihood is also increasing. On the other hand, due to climate change natural disaster such as floods, cyclones, tidal waves, drought etc have also become more frequent in the country. The biodiversity and ecosystems are being affected. In order to address the adverse effects of climate change, the Bangladesh Forest Department and Aranyak Foundation are jointly implementing CRPARP project. This project is being implemented in Cox’s Bazar, Noakhali, Laxmipur, Feni, Barisal, Patuakhali, Barguna and Bhola district. This project is being funded by Bangladesh Climate Change Resilient Fund with assistance of World Bank.