Research Grant Program
The Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) implements a Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA. BCCP is now inviting research proposals for 2014 from Bangladeshi post graduate students and researchers of public and private universities, institutions and organizations in Bangladesh. The purpose of the Grant Program is to promote tobacco control research in Bangladesh. A total of twenty grants will be offered in 2014.
The research topic must be within the priority issues of the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use (monitor tobacco industry activities; protect people from tobacco smoke; warn about the dangers of tobacco through mass media campaigns and health warning labels; enforce bans on tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship; raise taxes on tobacco).
Interested applicants are requested to submit their proposals following the guidelines. In the case of student applicants, proof of current university enrollment must also be submitted. A hard copy and an electronic version of the proposal should be submitted to the following address no later than 4:00 p.m. on December 15, 2013. Please mark “Student” or “Researcher” category on top of the envelope.
For queries and clarifications, please contact by email by November 30, 2013.
BCCP Tobacco Control Research Grant Program
House # 08, Road # 03, Block- A
Section -11, Mirpur, Dhaka-1216, Bangladesh
Eligibility of the Applicants
• Student should be a registered full-time Post-graduate, Masters or PhD student, and they should submit a consent letter indicating the name of Supervisor/Mentor who will oversee the day to day research activity.
• Researchers may be affiliated with any university, institution or a freelancer in Bangladesh and committed to tobacco control.
• Freelance Researchers should also mention name of an experienced researcher as Mentor whose consent letter should be attached.
• The proposal must be relevant to developing tobacco control policy and improving operational effectiveness in implementing the national tobacco control law.
Selection Process
• Proposals will be short-listed according to the priorities listed above.
• Short listed proposals will be reviewed by a Panel of renowned researchers to identify applicants who will be invited to make presentations before a review panel.
• Based on the merit, proposals will be selected for funding.
• Each selected proposal will receive a grant for a nine-month research project (student researcher $ 5000 and experienced researcher $ 10,000).
• BCCP will provide technical assistance, as and when required, to ensure completion of the research within the required timeframe and quality outcomes.
• The findings of the research projects will be presented at a Tobacco Control Research Conference to be organized by BCCP.
• The program will commence in February 2014.
Content of the proposal
1. Cover page
2. Title of the study (no more than 15 words)
3. Coverage of geographical/study area
4. Background and problem statement (provide a clear and simple description of research problem (maximum 500 words)
5. Rationale of the research (maximum 500 words)
6. Objectives of the research (maximum 200 words)
7. Methodology including detailed analysis plan (maximum 1000 words) and sample data collection instruments (where applicable)
8. Expected policy implications related to tobacco control policy in Bangladesh (maximum 500 words)
9. Proposed personnel plan (maximum 500 words)
10. Work plan
11. Proposed budget, including a breakdown by line item
12. Updated CVs of key personnel involved in the research
Proposal review process
The research proposal will be assessed based on the following criteria:
i. Relevance to Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use priorities
ii. Quality and feasibility
iii. Suitability of approach, design, methods and/or analysis
iv. Policy implications and scope for further research
BCCP will not compensate applicants for preparation of proposals against this grant notice. This grant notice also does not make any commitment to award a grant to anyone. BCCP reserves the right to accept or reject any proposal without assigning any reason. Research work may be terminated at any time if research quality and the timeline of research are not maintained. In their proposal cover letters, applicants should make a declaration that they are not involved with the tobacco industry or their agents in any form.