Consultation Meeting on Engaging Local Leaders in Promoting Urban Health Held
For promoting the services of Rongdhonu clinics of UPHCSDP by engaging local leaders, a one-day Consultation Meeting titled Engaging Local Leaders in Promoting Urban Health was held on March 22, 2016 in the Conference Room of Rajshahi City Corporation. The purpose of the consultation meeting was to engage the local leaders in promoting the urban health services of the Rongdhonu clinics among potential clients by identifying the roles and responsibilities of the Ward Counselors. About 70 participants including Ward Counsellors of Rajshahi City Corporation and other stakeholders were present in the Consultation Meeting. Mr. Md. Abu Bakr Siddique, Project Director, UPHCSDP was present as chief guest. Ms. Sayeda Zabinnessa Sultana, Chief Executive Officer (In-Charge), Rajshahi City Corporation, Dr. F.A.M. Anjuman Ara Begum, Chief Health Officer, Rajshahi City Corporation and Dr. Nasim Akther, Deputy Director (Family Planning), Rajshahi were present as special guests in the Consultation Meeting. Mr. Md. Nizam Ul Azim, Honourable Acting Mayor, Rajshahi City Corporation chaired the meeting. Ms. Shahida Begum, M&QAO, PIU, Rajshahi City Corporation delivered the welcome speech and Ms. Kanta Devi, Communication Specialist, BCCM component shared the objectives of the Consultation Meeting and facilitated discussions. Mr. Md. Shafiul Alam, Project Manager, RIC, PA-01 and Mr. Md. Maniruzzaman Moral, Project Manager, PSTC, PA-02, Rajshahi made a short power-point presentation on the services delivered through the Rainbow marked service centers known as CRHCC and PHCC. There was Open Discussion on the roles & responsibilities of Ward Councilors and other Stakeholders in Promoting Urban Health. The participants actively participated in the Open Discussion and raised questions related to UPHCSDP services. The Chief Guest and the Special Guests delivered their speech after the open discussion and tried to answer each and every question asked by the participants. The Consultation Meeting concluded with the chairperson’s speech.