Inception Workshop of the BCCM Component of UPHCSDP Held
The inception workshop of the BCCM component of the Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project (UPHCSDP) was held on August 10, 2015 at Mahbub Kabir Memorial Hall, BIAM Foundation, Dhaka. About 40 participants from PMU, PIU and PA- NGOs were present in the workshop which was chaired by Mr. Md. Abu Bakr Siddique, Project Director, PMU, UPHCSDP. Ms. Zuena Aziz, Director General (MIE), LGD, MOLGRD&C graced the occasion as the chief guest. Special guests in the event were Mr. D. K. Nath, Staff Consultant, Urban Health, BRM, ADB, Dhaka, Dr. Rafiqus Sultan, Project Technical Officer, UNFPA, Dhaka, Mr. Md. Sabirul Islam, Deputy Project Director (Admin &Training), PMU, UPHCSDP, and Dr. Yeasmin Jahan, Deputy Project Director (Service Delivery), PMU, UPHCSDP. There were four sessions in the workshop: Introductory Session; Presentation session in which a brief power point presentation on BCCM components was made by BCCM Team Leader Ms. Yasmin Khan, a discussion session in which open discussion on the presentation was held and recommendations were made and a concluding session in which the guests and the chairperson gave their comments and inputs to strengthen the BCCM component of the project. Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan, Director& CEO, BCCP delivered welcome speech. A number of recommendations were made in the workshop based on which the BCCM activities will be planned and implemented.