BCCP's 20th
BCCP's 20th “Advances in Strategic Communication Workshop” has started through an informal opening on February 22, 2015. This 12-day workshop explores the essential elements of successful communication in the context of social development programs.
Twenty four mid to senior-level professionals from different government, non government and private organizations are attending this workshop held in BCCP office, Mirpur.
Facilitated by nationally and internationally reputed personalities, the workshop introduces the participants with different tools and techniques of the state-of-the-art communication and it is expected that after the end of the workshop, participants would be able to more effectively design, develop, implement and evaluate communication programs for their respective organizations.
The workshop will end on March 05, 2015 with awarding of certificates to all the participants.
Every year BCCP organizes this two-week workshop, which is modeled after the similar workshop held regularly at Johns Hopkins University Center for Communication Programs, Baltimore, USA.