Necessity of Leadership and Coordination in the HPN arena appreciated by the GoB officials

ToT for Chottogram division:
This ToT was held on May 16, 2022 in local hotel participated by the Civil Surgeon, Deputy Director-FP, Deputy Director-Health, Assistant Director-Admn., Assistant Director-QAT, and Assistant Director-FP of the 11 districts of Chottogram division. This ToT also includes participation of few Chottogram based NGOs working in the HPN fields as they may need to and plan for providing this training to their program officials. A total of 39 of the GoB and NGO officials have attended this day-long ToT.
Inaugural session.
The inaugural session of the ToT was attended by the Additional Secretary, Health Service Division of the MoHFW, Mr. Syed Mojibul Huq as Chief Guest while it was also attended by the Director-Health of Chottogram division Dr. Hasan Shahriar Kabir, Divisional Director-FP of Chottogram division, Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman and the Deputy Secretary, PH-2 of the MoHFW, Mr. Md. Jashimuddin Khan as the Special Guest.
In his speech the Chief Guest has emphasized on the preventive health service approaches for the attainment of sustainable health. He also underscored the need of promoting the nutritional issues to enhance household knowledge that will profusely be contributed to the sustainable health. The Director-Health of Chottogram division mentioned this course as a useful intervention enhancing the knowledge and skill of the HPN officials on Leadership and Coordination issues. In his speech the Divisional Director-FP of Chottogram division mentioned the reciprocal connectivity of the Leadership with the Change Management that will ensure better management and implementation of Health and Family Planning program interventions.

In the curriculum as well as the ToT followed the Reflection, Discussion and Synthesis (RDS) as the overall methods while particular methodology followed throughout the formal sessions includes:
- Open and plenary discussions
- Question-answer
- Multi-media presentation
- Card writing
- Group work.
A unique level of participation was observed throughput the ToT program that made this course highly participatory and helped the participants in strengthening their interest to bring this course for their co-colleagues and Upazila level officials. During the course, participants share their own experiences and exchange views, get involved with interactive discussions and enjoy presentations supported by session exercises and reflections.

This ToT was held on May 18, 2022 in local hotel participated by the Civil Surgeon, Deputy Director-FP, Assistant Director-Health, Assistant Director-FP, UHFPO and UFPO of the 4 districts of Sylhet division. This ToT also includes participation of few Sylhet based NGOs working in the HPN fields as they may need to and plan for providing this training to their program officials. A total of 27 of the GoB and NGO officials have attended this day-long ToT.
Inaugural session
The inaugural session of the ToT was attended by the Divisional Director-Health of Sylhet division Dr. Himangsu Lal Roy as Chief Guest while the Divisional Director-FP of Sylhet division Mr. Md. Kutubuddin also attended it as Special Guest. In his speech the Divisional Director-Health emphasized on the importance of coordination specially in the HPN program fields. He thanked Ujjiban for bringing this curriculum for the use of HPN program fields as they also contributed for the development and implementation of the integrated and uniform version of the School Health, Population and Nutrition Education curriculum. Speaking as Special Guest the Divisional Director-FP thanked Ujjiban SBCC project for their continuous support for the HPN programs. He urged upon the course participants to attain the curriculum contents with its methodology for its replication in the field level training.
Course Methodology
In the curriculum as well as the ToT followed the Reflection, Discussion and Synthesis (RDS) as the overall methods while particular
methodology followed throughout the formal sessions includes:
- Open and plenary discussions
- Question-answer
- Multi-media presentation
- Card writing
- Group work.
A wider level of proactive participation was circumambient throughout the ToT program that made this course participatory which helped the participants in considering this course to bring for further level of ToT for district and Upazila level officials. During the course, participants share their own experiences and exchange views, get involved with interactive discussions, enjoy presentations supported by session exercises and reflections.