Achieving Sustainability Towards Healthcare Access (ASTHA)
The project Achieving Sustainability Towards Healthcare Access (ASTHA) (formerly known as TARSAN) was introduced in 2011. ASTHA collaborated with the government of Bangladesh to create a professional healthcare training for young adults – The Community Paramedic Training Program. The project goal to improve access to quality healthcare services at rural level through development of skilled Community Paramedics (CPs). Certified by the Bangladesh Nursing and Midwifery Council (BNMC), the Community Paramedic course allows students to gain professional skills in providing primary curative healthcare services, focusing on maternal and child health and family planning. ASTHA facilitates the development of these frontline health workers who connect the locals to proper health services.
To meet the above-mentioned goal for ASTHA project, Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) has been awarded for the project “Development of Comprehensive Public Relation Strategy (PR) and Implementation for ASTHA project”. Under this project activities to be undertaken upon approval of the ASTHA team; 1) Development of comprehensive PR strategy 2) Designing of promotional materials 3) Developing media and publication tools 4) Producing relevant audio-visuals 5) Provide PR support to national stakeholder workshop. BCCP already has developed the comprehensive PR strategies.
As part of that BCC completed situation analysis, conducted one strategy development workshop and one message and materials development workshop. Developed promotional materials and provided PR support to national stakeholder workshop. Development of 60 sec. TVC, gameboard and flipchart in the form of storytelling are under process of development.