ICT and innovation

OSMA: A digital sway into the MoHFW SBCC system

The aura of digitization has touched every nook and corner of Bangladesh and the ministries of government are no exception to this. Slowly but steadily, different ministries turn out to be digitized in the handling of all their affairs.

‘Online SBCC Materials Approval (OSMA)’ is a software application which has been developed by Ujjiban as part of its effort to strengthen IEC technical committee and the SBCC system of MoHFW. Through this automated system the activities related to submission, processing and approval of SBCC materials has become simplified and efficient.


“OSMA application has become a good example of capitalizing the advantage of ICT and become a way forward with digital Bangladesh ideology”

Md. Mostafa Kamal, Additional Secretary, HSD, MoHFW 


The manual SBCC materials submission and approval process was highly time consuming, thus, wasn’t efficient.  Since all the reviews were done manually, it was not possible for the IEC technical committee to impede duplication fully and track whether all the comments of the committee members were addressed.

As the USAID Ujjiban SBCC project started working with the government to strengthen its SBCC wing, it addressed the issues related to the manual submission and approval process of SBCC materials and explored options on how to make the entire process digital, thus creating OSMA.

OSMA is the complete digital version of the previous manual version of the SBCC materials’ submission and approval process. Since it is automated, the whole process ensures the highest efficiency in terms of time, effort and quality. Through OSMA, IEC technical committee now can easily and efficiently receive, review and approve the SBCC materials submitted by different non-profit organizations and government HPN units.

‘Previously when we submitted SBCC materials manually, we used to wait for a long period of time to get the whole process done, and we couldn’t have a clear understanding how much time it might take to get the approval, now through OSMA, the whole process got easier. We can submit and get approval with clicks from our home and can see our application status. From my experience, I feel that it needs continuous practice, otherwise somebody may face difficulty in this software.’’

                                                                                         Ms. Happina Tripura , Asstt. Chief, BHE

The OSMA process has cut down the approval time of SBCC materials in 4-5 days from 15-20 days. This is undoubtedly a great achievement in bringing efficiency in government’s SBCC efforts. OSMA ensures that the communication materials that are being disseminated in the mass media and at community level to raise awareness; are of high quality, meet the standard of government, and are free of duplication. Now with the faster approval process, these SBCC materials are rapidly spreading in the communities with the purpose they were intended for.

As of now, after beta testing in July 2019, through this software application, 246 SBCC materials have been submitted and approved. In a year, the NGOs and HPN units have started spotting major differences when it comes to time and resource saving.

For the NGOs working through projects, this OSMA appears to be a major game changer, as the time and cost saved in the approval process contributes to greater impact for them as they have to work under a set project period and budget.


OSMA operates in a holistic approach, taking simultaneously multi-pronged aspects of SBCC materials approval into account. This software ensures electronic review, process documentation and approval, auto generated meeting minutes with review findings and archiving of SBCC materials digitally. All these together in one system makes this highly user-friendly. When the system made open for the HPN units and relevant NGOs, Ujjiban organized hands-on orientation for them.


To put the submitters into ease this online application software shows the status of the application at any point in time, and when changes are suggested, submitters can upload the modified material and get approval following review on compliance. OSMA regularly updates information on materials approved which help to avoid duplication of content and product.


While there are numerous development efforts to promote positive health-behavior across the country, the USAID Ujjiban SBCC project took up the challenge of bringing innovation to MoHFW  SBCC framework, which worked incredibly well up to now.


OSMA application software is available for public use in Bangla, and in English as well. This innovative venture of Ujjban has outweighed its expectation, as this has crossed the in-country border. By being inspired by this MoHFW and Ujjiban OSMA initiative, Nepal began to follow the idea by customizing it in its own setting.


Over the last few months, when mobility was restricted during the pandemic, the implementation of this completely digitized process once again showed how timely this initiative was. However, there was a lesson from this pandemic that there should be a fast track option in the application system for the approval of SBCC materials aimed at any sudden catastrophic situation, such as pandemic. Ujjiban is always upheld with the need to make it the most user friendly and effective.


Although the concept of OSMA was introduced to the government by Ujjiban in the first place, it is luminous that the government has taken full ownership of this method as it reaps benefit. Even after Ujjiban phases out, this OSMA process is expected to gleam bright, as this is now ingrained in the goverment system, and this is how we sow the seed of positive change.