Emergency Multi-Section Rohingya Crisis Response Project (EMCRP)
Comprehensive Communication and Awareness Program for the Displaced Rohingya Population (DRP) and Host Community
BCCP has been awarded a 30 months Consultancy Services for “Communication and Awareness’ with Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) under Emergency Multi-Section Rohingya Crisis Response Project (EMCRP) funded by The World Bank. Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan, Director & CEO, BCCP and Mr. Javed Karim, Project Director, EMCRP signed the contract agreement on March 15, 2020 on behalf of BCCP and LGED at the Project Director’s Office and will continue up to June 2024.
Bangladesh provides shelter to about 10.00 lac Forcibly Displaced Myanmar Nationals (FDMNs) who fled to Bangladesh risking their lives by sea or on foot, in order to avoid the death or persecution in the northern Rakhine province of Myanmar (Burma). They have been entering into Bangladesh since August 2017 causing the advent of the World’s fastest growing refugee crisis. They are sheltered in Teknaf and Ukhia Upazilas of Cox’s Bazar district, but this huge number of refugees places an immense strain on the existing infrastructure and on an already resource-constrained social service delivery system and the environment. The large influx of FDMNs population outnumbers the host community by about 2:1 in the affected Upazilas, posing significant risks of exposure to natural disasters, road communication, crowding and congestion in hat-bazar, social service delivery system, etc.
In the above backdrop, Emergency Multi-Sector Rohingya Crisis Response project aided by the World Bank was launched to provide greater protection for FDMNs in times of natural disaster and improve social service delivery system by improving communication network, social resilience and other facilities. The project will construct new shelters, improve roads; construct bridges and culverts; and, improve drainage structure; internal road, hatbazar, footpath, supply of solar street light, supply of lightening protection devices, firefighting equipment, multi-purpose community center, relief distribution and administration center, warehouse for firefighting equipment and firefighting satellite stations, etc. It will also construct water points, water treatment with pipeline water network and management of storage tank, construction of semi-permanent toilets, operation and maintenance of these facilities including sludge treatment, supply of hygiene kits, etc.
BCCP has started it’s with EMCRP to contribute for developing a tailored, well-planned and professionally implemented communication strategy aimed at ensuring the project interventions are well understood by the displaced Rohingya population, host communities, media, government agencies, development partners, national and international NGOs and other stakeholders, and there is enough support at all levels to motivate the displaced population and host community to be aware of the project interventions and adopt behavior change. The strategy and other activities as a whole will focus on a set of objectives primarily to promote behaviour change, awareness and promote social cohesion.
The communication program includes:
Design a Communication Strategy and Action Plan to help LGED, DPHE smoothly implement the project. The strategy will detail out the communication objectives, articulate messages, identify communication channels, type of media, frequency and formats, and a Communication Action Plan.
- Communication Materials and Activities including public service announcement (PSA), posters , leaflets, pictorial booklet, religious sermons, wall calendars, miking scripts, Ramadan timetable, signboards, Animation Video, short video spots, radio spot and or community Radio, documentary video, social media/YouTube etc.
- Outreach and community mobilization Activities such as uthan Boithok, Showcasing, sports and painting competition for the children, photo exhibition, street Drama, media visit, press conference, roundtable discussion, collect and share best practice, success or failure stories etc.
- Capacity strengthening Activities such as advanced communication training for DPHE, PIU and management staff; communication front line heath workers; workshop with community WASH management; workshop with displaced population; sessions with children; awareness workshops with leaders from DRP and host community; communications for caretakers; orientation for the volunteers, youth and students and orientation for the religious groups and Imams
- Monitoring and Evaluation System like develop M&E system , openion study, mid-term assessment and end line assessment of the programs.