Ongoing Projects

Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement (DIMAPP) Project

Behavior Change Communication (BCC) for Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement (DIMAPP) Project

Bangladesh Centre for Communication Programs (BCCP) has been working as the communication consulting firm for carrying out the Behavior Change Communication (BCC) program of the “Digitizing Implementation Monitoring and Public Procurement (DIMAPP) Project” for the Central Procurement Technical    Unit (CPTU) under the Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) of the Ministry of Planning from June 2018 to June 2022. The project is financed by the World Bank to improve public procurement performance and enhance capacity for implementation monitoring of development programs and projects.

Bangladesh has developed a strong foundation for public procurement system that includes a well-functioning nodal agency- CPTU. The DIMAPPP has four components. Those include Restructuring CPTU and institutionalizing e-GP; Enhancing digitization of public procurement; Professionalization of procurement and citizen engagement (CE); and Digitizing project implementation monitoring.

Under the DIMAPPP, BCCP has developed and is implementing a comprehensive Strategic Behavioral Change Communication (SBCC) program since June 2018.

The objective of the SBCC is to strengthen and institutionalize systems and functions of strategic communication for stakeholder engagement within the public procurement practice. The BCC program has already started bringing changes to   the mindset of government Procuring Entities (PE), Tenderers, Policymakers, media, and stakeholders and thus is contributing to ensuring efficient public procurement management and monitoring in line with the objectives of DIMAPPP. BCC is also expected to influence the mindset of civil society, media, other stakeholders, and general citizen.

For DIMAPPP, BCCP is implementing the BCC strategy to support enhancement of the overall procurement environment in the country, promote Electronic Government Procurement (e-GP) and efficient public spending system for better service delivery. The strategy has encompassed several approaches in an overarching manner:

Advocacy and dialogue facilitation at district and regional levels which includes mobilization and institutionalization of Government-Tenderers’ Forum (GTF) and preparation and use of a set of advocacy materials, holding round table discussion etc.



Promotion and branding of e-GP under media campaign through e-GP workshops, TVC, publication, video, press and online media, social media, digital billboards, fact sheets, brochures, e-GP Flyer, success story video etc.





Media sensitization and capacity development through newspaper supplement, media guide, media orientation at district and division levels, news dissemination and media tracking.



Technical support and knowledge management through publication of quarterly newsletter and yearly calendar with key information, support to citizen portal and citizen engagement initiatives, develop and maintain digital archive, provide coordination and technical assistance to the CPTU.


BGTF and transparency in public procurement

As a unique advocacy and dialogue facilitation technique, BCCP has piloted, developed the model and established the first of its kind Bangladesh Government–Tenderers’ Forum (BGTF).                                                                                     

The objective of the BGTF is to create scopes for open dialogue and discussion between Tenderers and PEs that facilitates efficient and effective implementation of government procurement contracts. BCCP supported to establish such 64 forums in 64 districts across Bangladesh. To coordinate the countrywide platforms, an apex of  BGTF has been formed centrally. This body will act as a central platform of the 64 GTFs for maintaining better coordination and side by side facilitating the groups to discuss public procurement issues for proper execution of the procurement contracts.

At present, an initial convening committee of BGTF is working for institutionalizing the platform for sustainability.