Service Providers Capacity Building for ICMH
Client Centered Approach brought as key focus while BCCP provided a 4-day ToT to the ICMH professionals for improved Client-Provider interactions
In quest of continuous effort of Bangladesh center for Communication Programs (BCCP) to enhance capacity building of the Bangladeshi professionals working in the social development field it has provided a 4-day Training of Trainers (ToT) to the Institute for Child and Mother Health (ICMH) professionals for improved Client-Provider interactions.
This ToT program with a dedicated curriculum have been planned, developed and implemented keeping client centered approach as the key focus for improved Client-Provider interactions that has envisaged to be the center point of the health service providers while provisioning health services from their institute.
A number of 24 professionals comprised of 19 medical doctors and 5 nursing supervisors participated in this day-long ToT held on and from July 30 through August 02, 2023 in one of the Institute’s training room. The formal sessions of the ToT were initiated having a brief inaugural session held on July 30, 2023 attended by Prof. Dr. M A Mannan, Executive Director, ICMH as Chief Guest while Prof. Dr. Hasrat Jahan, Joint Director, ICMH were there as Special Guest.
A wide range of training methodologies, having a combination of Reflection, Discussion and Synthesis (RDS) approaches was adopted and followed in this training course. Key methodologies and key principles of conduction of the course were followed as:
Key Methodologies |
Key principles of conduction of the course |
- Plenary discussion and brainstorming - Question-answer - Multi-media presentation - Group work and group presentation - Role play - Story telling |
- Learner centered education - Curriculum based training plan - Experiential learning - Focus on learners’ requirement - Training plan and preparation - Social event |
The training participants were found very proactive and enthusiastic in course of participation in asking questions, raising issues and taking part in various courses of thetraining event including the group work, role play and group presentation. Their attention and participation have contributed to the development of their skill as were found to have a remarkable increase that came out through the pre and post test assessments. It was found that the increase was almost double as the average scoring at the pre-test found 15.44 have reached to 29.09 at the post-test.
It is envisaged that the training program will bring a positive change to undertake the Client Centered Approach by the health service providers which will be profusely contributing towards producing satisfied customers while it is expected that the quality of care will become the essential outcome of the customer satisfaction. As the training curriculum have been planned to be a cascaded model and trainees have been oriented to work as a trainer for the next level of training, is expected to bring a sustainable impact enhancing the better and improved Client-Provider interactions.
The concluding session was marked with the participants comment highlighting different aspects of quality training which will be benefitting them in five-ways as to:
- Improving the quality of interactions and counselling
- Enhance client satisfaction
- Improved quality of care for the clients
- Transfer of the skills to the fellow colleagues
- Bringing sustainable impact in the improved health service delivery system.
At the end the Executive Director provided certificates to each of the participants as a mark of their successful completion of the course.