Training Program on IPC/BCC, Community Mobilization & Outreach Activities Continues
The 3-day training on IPC/BCC, Community Mobilization & Outreach Activities continues in the Multipurpose Hall at Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP). The training of the 1st batch was held from July 26 to 28, 2016. Following a pre-scheduled plan, the training of the 2nd batch has begun today, August 02, 2016 which will continue till August 04, 2016. Organized for the Counselors and the Field Supervisors of the Service Centers of UPHCSDP, the inaugural session of the 2nd batch training program was held on August 02, 2016 at 09 a. m. A total of 26 participants from three PA Units of Dhaka South City Corporation and two PA units of Dhaka North City Corporation and 1 participant from PIU, Dhaka North City Corporation are taking part in the training. Mr. Md. Sabirul Islam, Project Director (In-charge), PMU, UPHCSDP was present in the inaugural session as the Chief Guest. Dr. Nazrul Haque, Capacity Building Specialist, BCCM Component delivered the welcome speech and Ms. Yasmin Khan, Team Leader, BCCM Component shared the objectives of the training. The Chief Guest emphasized on increasing efforts on expanding interactions with the potential clients in the locality and explain them about the services delivered from the ‘rainbow’ marked clinics so that they are motivated to avail services from these centers at a higher rate. Mr. Md. Mahitur Rahman Khan, Technical Officer, BCCM Component facilitated the inaugural session. Technical Officers of BCCM Component facilitated various sessions on Communication, IPC, BCC, Counselling, use of BCC materials etc. The participants actively took part in the sessions.