Inter-unit coordination can attain a better impact in the program Implementation
Inter-unit coordination can attain a better impact in the program Implementation
- Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Additional Secretary (PH&WH), MoHFW
A workshop on the workplan orientation and coordinated implementation of comprehensive SBCC Strategy for Sylhet division was held on July 01, 2018 in the conference room of the Divisional Director-FP, Sylhet attended by
the GoB and NGO stakeholders of the Sylhet Division. Under the administrative support and guidance of the PH&WH wi ng of the MoHFW this workshop was organized by the BCCP led CSS team of Ujjiban. The discussion meeting of the workshop was presided over by Mr. Md. Kutubuddin, Divisional Director-FP, Sylhet while Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman, Additional Secretary (PH&WH), MoHFW were present as the Chief Guest. Mr. Ruhul Amin Talukdar, Joint Secretary (PH&WH), MoHFW and Director-LG Mr. Md. Matiur Rahman were present as Special Guest. In addition, the Divisional Director-Health Dr. Md. Suhrawardi and Ujjiban CoP, Mr. Patrick L Coleman had also attended this workshop. A total of 51 participants from GoB and NGO programs attended this workshop.
Key Recommendations of the workshop:
- Regional variation and perspective be considered while designing SBCC activities to address targeted audience and community
- Innovative, multifarious and repeated communications are the important consideration for the Haor areas of Sylhet
- Coordination between and amongst the GoB HPN Units and the NGOs is the key issue for synergistic impact of the program
- HPN SBCC program can plan for a collaborative effort with the Local Government’s health program.
In his speech as Chief Guest Mr. Md. Habibur Rahman Khan, Additional Secretary (PH&WH) told that one of key interventions that HPN activities can attain a better impact of the program, is the coordination. The GO-NGO coordination and also coordination between and amongst the HPN Units and NGOs plays a vital role in designing and implementation of SBCC activities. He thanked Ujjiban for their TA support in designing of the Comprehensive SBCC Strategy and urged to continue for this support in implementation of the SBCC activities following the strategy.
In his concluding remarks as the Chairperson Mr. Md. Kutubuddin, Divisional Director-FP, Sylhet appealed the participant to follow the Comprehensive SBCC Strategy to maintain better coordination amongst the HPN programs targeted to better community response in support of practicing model health behaviors.