April-June 2016
Dissemination Workshop on the Findings of the BCCM related Base-line Survey of UPHCSDP Held
A dissemination workshop on the findings of the BCCM related Base-Line Survey conducted by an independent research organization “Org.-Quest Research Limited” under the supervision of BCCP was held Dhaka on April 23, 2016.
DetailsRevitalizing the Health Education Model Villages
Health Education Model Villages are one of the major initiatives of Bureau of Health Education. The model villages are established in all the districts of Bangladesh. Each district contains 2 model villages. In the model villages 11 health related key inf
DetailsTen FSC were held under CRPARP
In order to address the adverse effects of climate change, the Bangladesh Forest Department is implementing Climate Resilient Participatory Afforestation and Reforestation Project (CRPARP) and as a strategic communication partner for the project,
DetailsConsultation Meeting on Engaging Local Leaders in Promoting Urban Health Held
For promoting the services of Rongdhonu clinics of UPHCSDP by engaging local leaders, a one-day Consultative Meeting titled Engaging Local Leaders in Promoting Urban Health was held on April 21, 2016 in the Conference Room of Khulna City Corporation.
DetailsBKMI project participated in the Measurement and Accountability for Health (MA4H) Conference
Bangladesh Knowledge Management Initiative (BKMI) project participated in a three day long Inter-country Conference “Measurement and Accountability for Health” organized by the MIS unit of DGHS under Ministry of Health and Family Welfare of Bangladesh.
DetailsBTCRN Observed World No Tobacco Day 2016
The World No tobacco Day was observed throughout Bangladesh on May 31, 2016. In order to observe the day in a befitting manner, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare organized a colorful rally in Dhaka. Along with other organizations, Bangladesh Tobac
Detailse-GP Digital Billboard Installed
As a part of the e-GP campaign undertaken by BCCP, the Central Procurement Technical Unit (CPTU) of the Implementation, Monitoring and Evaluation Division (IMED) of the Ministry of Planning put the e-GP digital billboard on display near the National Press