Strengthening Capacity for SBCC: BKMI Lessons Learned held
A dissemination event on Strengthening Capacity for SBCC: BKMI Lessons Learned was held on 17th October 2016 in Dhaka. In the event BKMI’s SBCC activities and lessons learned for 3 years in HPN sector was shared.
BKMI capacity strengthening framework functioned in three levels – individual, organization and system in three communication units of MoHFW- IEM, BHE and IPHN. The representatives from the three units shared their activities. About SBCC Tools and Resources, Ms Sharifa Begum, Chief BHE and Line Director, HEP,DGHS; Dr. Md. Moudud Hossain, Deputy Director, DGHS & Program Manager, NNS; and Md Ferdous Alam, Joint Secretary and Director, IEM, DGFP shared for individual, organizational and the system level respectively.
Ms Nilima Sharmin, family welfare assistant, DGFP Comilla and Ms Huraine Fahmida Zeny, Health Assistant, DGHS Chittagong shared their field level experience about using HPN eToolkit for field workers and eLearning courses. Mr Shahadat Mollah, health inspector from DGHS Manikganj and Mr Shaheen Alam, family planning inspector from DGFP Munshigonj shared their experience of using Monitoring & Evaluation Checklist for SBCC supervision. Dr AZM Zahidur Rahman and Ms Saiqa Siraj members of the Bangladesh BCC Working Group shared their experience about BCC Working Group and Safollo Gatha event.
The event was chaired by Ms Roxana Quader, Additional Secretary (PH & WH), Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. In the event the Chair shared different successes of health sector and mentioned that leadership should not be only from the ministry level. Our work is in field level so frontline workers need to play import roles here. We need to plan what needs to be done in near future. She thanked BKMI & USAID for their support. She also mentioned that we need support from all and need to work together.
In the event the Chief Guest Mr Mohammad Wahid Hossain, Director General, DGFP thanked Rebecca Arnold, Project Director of BKMI and her team for the last 3 years achievement. He also thanked them for developing an effective M & E Checklist and facilitating the use of that in field level.
As Special Guest Dr Md Ehteshamul Huq Choudhury, Additional Director General (Admn.), DGHS mentioned that the achievement in health sector of Bangladesh is well known. We are proud to be a part of this. We faced many challenges, we had to fight for this achievement. SDG and Community health is in front of us. We need to work together with government, non government, development partners and all other stakeholders to achieve SDGs.
There was open discussion session and participants shared their thoughts about the BKMI project activities. More than 100 professionals from government, nongovernment organizations, development partners, and media attended the event.