BCCM Program for UPHCSDP launched

The Local Government Division (LGD) of the Government of Bangladesh provides primary health care services to the urban people through partnership among urban local bodies and Non-Government Organizations with financial support from the Asian Development Bank and other co-financers. LGD had already implemented two projects namely the Urban Primary Health Care Project (1998-2005) and the Second Urban Primary Health Care Project (2005-2001). Evolving from the previous two projects, LGD has launched the Urban Primary Health Care Services Delivery Project (July 2012 to June 2017) with financial support from Asian Development Bank, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and the United Nations Population Fund.
The goal of the project is to improve the health status of the urban population, especially the poor, through improved access to and utilization of efficient, effective and sustainable Primary Health Care (PHC) Services and the Objectives of the project is to improve: (1) access to and use of urban PHC services in the project area, with a particular focus on services provision for free to the poor; (2) the quality of urban PHC services in the project area; and (3) the cost-effectiveness, efficiency, and institutional and financial sustainability for the urban primary health care delivery system to meet the needs of the urban poor.
To support attaining the goal and objectives of UPHCSDP, BCCP is implementing the Behavior Change Communication and Marketing program that was commenced from July 2015. Underthe BCCM program, BCCP have already undertaken following three activities.
Inception workshop of the BCCM Component of UPHCSDP Held: The inception workshop of the BCCM component of UPHCSDP was held on August 10, 2015 in Dhaka. About 40 participants from PMU, PIU and PA NGOs were present in the workshop. The inception workshop was chaired by Mr. Md. Abu Bakr Siddique, Project Director, PMU, UPHCSDP. Ms. Zuena Aziz, Director General (MIE), LGD, MOLGRD&C graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Special Guests in the event were Mr. D. K. Nath, Staff Consultant, Urban Health, BRM, ADB, Dhaka; Dr. Rafiqus Sultan, Project Technical Officer, UNFPA, Dhaka; Mr. Md. Sabirul Islam, Deputy Project Director (Admin &Training), PMU, UPHCSDP; and, Dr. Yeasmin Jahan, Deputy Project Director (Service Delivery), PMU, UPHCSDP.
There were four sessions in the workshop: Introductory Session; Presentation session on BCCM components which was made by BCCM Team Leader Ms. Yasmin Khan; a discussion session in which some recommendations were made after the presentation session; and, a concluding session in which the guests and the chairperson gave their comments and inputs to strengthen the BCCM component of the project. Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan, Director& CEO, BCCP delivered the welcome speech in this workshop.
Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and BCCM needs assessment survey: BCCP conducted a Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and a BCCM Needs Assessment survey on August 18-31, 2015. These surveys have been conducted in 5 city corporations and 2 municipalities such as Dhaka North and South, Gazipur, Barisal and Rajshahi city corporation and Kishoregonj and Gopalgonj municipality. The objectives of these surveys are to explore the status of skills of selected PA NGO staff in regards to Behavior Change Communication & Marketing (BCCM), and Interpersonal Communication & Counseling (IPC/C); know their expectation in regards to BCCM and IPC/C; and assess the readiness of project staff to be engaged as master trainer in the upcoming training programs. It is also mentioned that these surveys were conducted among Project Manager, Family Planning Coordinator, Clinic Manager, Counselor, Paramedic, Field Supervisor, Service Promoter, Family Welfare Visitor of PA NGO in the above mentioned city corporation and municipality.
Message Development Workshop Held: A Message Development Workshop was held during September 13 to 15, 2015 at the Engineering Staff College, Bangladesh (ESCB), Munshigonj. A total of 30 participants from PMU, PIU and PA-NGOs were present in the three-day workshop. Mr. Md. Abu Bakr Siddique, Project Director, PMU, UPHCSDP was present in the Inaugural Session of the workshop as the Chief Guest. In this workshop, the participants shared their experiences and exchanged ideas on BCCM where messages play an important role. By taking part in group work, they developed some messages addressing the five key behaviors identified in the existing BCCM Strategy of the project. In the Closing Ceremony of the workshop, Mr. Md. Sabirul Islam, Deputy Project Director (Administration & Training), PMU, UPHCSDP and Dr. Yeasmin Jahan, Deputy Project Director (Service Delivery), PMU, UPHCSDP were present as Guests of Honor. Ms. Yasmin Khan, Team Leader of BCCM component, acted as the Chief Facilitator and Course Coordinator.