Research Findings Dissemination Conference on Tobacco Control in Bangladesh is being held
Bangladesh Center for Communication Programs (BCCP) and the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (JHSPH), Baltimore, USA are jointly organizing the Research Findings Dissemination Conference on Tobacco Control in Bangladesh. The two-day conference begins today at 9.00 am at Lakeshore Hotel, Gulshan, Dhaka which will continue till Tomorrow.
In the 1st day of the conference, the findings of the ten research projects out of previous year’s twenty Research Grant Programs will be presented through three scientific sessions. The rest ten research findings of previous year’s twenty Research Grant Programs will be presented through three scientific sessions on the 2nd day on January 29, 2015. Among the 20 research projects, ten were undertaken by ten student researchers of different public and private universities, and institutions while the other ten were undertaken by ten experienced researchers of different public and private universities and organizations. The topics of the student researchers are 1) Smoking Behavior among Undergraduate Students Living at Hostels and their Homes in Dhaka City; 2) Relationship between Oral Diseases and Tobacco Chewing among Slum Dwellers in Dhaka City; 3) E-Cigarette: A Study of Knowledge, Attitude and Practices among Private University Students in Dhaka City; 4) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices of Youths towards the Use and Control of Tobacco: A Survey among University Students; 5) Perception of Smoking-Related Risks and Benefits among Selected Urban and Rural Adolescent Students; 6) Realizing the Ways to Keep Teenagers Smoke-Free; 7) Prevalence and Awareness about Secondhand and Thirdhand Smoke Exposure among Medical and Dental Students; 8) Expenditure and Knowledge about Tobacco Use among the Rickshaw-Pullers in Dhaka City; 9) Changing Marketing Paradigm of Tobacco Industry in the Regulated Environment in Bangladesh: Lessons and Challenges for Tobacco Control Policy Advocates; and 10) Tobacco Consumption through Flavored Shisha among University Students in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. The topics of the experienced researchers are 1) Use of Smokeless Tobacco by Low Socio-economic Populations and Risk Factors Associated with it; 2) Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of Tobacco Users among Garment Workers in Dhaka City in Bangladesh; 3) Magnitude of Cross Border Tobacco Trade and its Implications on the National Tobacco Control Program of Bangladesh; 4) Disability and Economic Burden of Tobacco Related Illness: Experience from Rural Bangladesh; 5) Smoking among Medical interns and Their Perceptions towards training about Tobacco Smoking in the Medical Curriculum; 6) Dynamics of Smoking Behavior among Urban Adolescents and Young Adults in Bangladesh: Peer Effect and Family Influences; 7) Presence of Tobacco Sales and Advertisement within 100 Yards of Schools in Dhaka, Bangladesh; 8) Perception about Health Effects of Passive Smoking among Young Adults in Dhaka; 9) Tobacco Growers and Incentives from Tobacco Companies in Selected Districts of Bangladesh; and 10) The Tobacco Consumption Practice of Female Day Laborers at Brick Kilns in Dhaka.
Professor Dr. M Mostafa Zaman, Representative of WHO, Bangladesh; Professor (Dr.) Akhtarun Naher, Director, NIPSOM; and Dr. Joanna Cohen, Director, Institute for Global Tabocco Control (IGTC), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health attended and spoke in the inaugural program of the conference as the Guests of Honor. The inaugural program was chaired by National Professor Dr. Brig. (Rtd). Abdul Malik, Secretary General, National Heart Foundation of Bangladesh. Mr. Mohammad Shahjahan, Director and CEO, BCCP and Mr. Steve A. Tamplin, Associate Scientist, Institute for Global Tobacco Control(IGTC), Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health were also present and spoke in the inaugural session of the conference.